DWI/DWAI/DWAI With Drugs & Traffic Violations:
If you have been caught driving drunk or under the influence of drugs, don't forget to be respectful, follow the rules and
make sure you understand what happens if you refuse a chemical test.
Our office will handle all aspects of either your criminal or your traffic violations including, but not limited to issues such as:
- Felony DWI/DWAI with drugs
- Impact on license or repeat offenders
- Impact of out-of-state DWIs/DWAIs with drugs and reciprocity with current offenses
- Driver's license suspensions
- Driver's license revocations and sanctions
- Felony DWI/DWAI with drugs
- Impact on license or repeat offenders
- Impact of out-of-state DWIs/DWAIs with drugs and reciprocity with current offenses
- Driver's license suspensions
- Driver's license revocations and sanctions